The beginning.
Forming, moulding, rhythms set in motion.
The heartbeat of love,
a dance of joy and delight,
the creator creates
Words breathing from heart bringing to life
Sparkling, sharing, A twinkle in eye
love without bounds
His beauty imprinted
Relationship ignited
God's heart delighted
And then to the fall
Heartbreak for all
Gods longing for
Met with fingers up
And sod off,
We can do it alone, from the ones that he loves
The rhythm now broken
Relationship shattered
The heartbeat still there
but now there's a barrier
Out of the greenery, out of gods presence
Living now harder without the gardener
Death has now come in
God's heart is still longing
His beauty still moulding
His desire for our healing
And heart for us living
Have never faded or diminished or wavered
Wholly for, sending his all, his son
Plan into motion,
A vulnerable solution
borne of love
not control
Who he is displayed for all
Ever hoping, ever longing
Love and Humility kisses the earth and is broken
By those that he loves.... And he loves them some more
His heartbeat so pure
And death could not hold him
The grave couldn't shut him in
Boxes are broken
He is alive spoken
The way made open
To be free
curtain torn between God and me
Forming, moulding, rhythms set in motion.
The heartbeat of love,
a dance of joy and delight,
the creator creates
Words breathing from heart bringing to life.....
The heartbeat of love,
a dance of joy and delight,
the creator creates
Words breathing from heart bringing to life
Sparkling, sharing, A twinkle in eye
love without bounds
His beauty imprinted
Relationship ignited
God's heart delighted
And then to the fall
Heartbreak for all
Gods longing for
Met with fingers up
And sod off,
We can do it alone, from the ones that he loves
The rhythm now broken
Relationship shattered
The heartbeat still there
but now there's a barrier
Out of the greenery, out of gods presence
Living now harder without the gardener
Death has now come in
God's heart is still longing
His beauty still moulding
His desire for our healing
And heart for us living
Have never faded or diminished or wavered
Wholly for, sending his all, his son
Plan into motion,
A vulnerable solution
borne of love
not control
Who he is displayed for all
Ever hoping, ever longing
Love and Humility kisses the earth and is broken
By those that he loves.... And he loves them some more
His heartbeat so pure
And death could not hold him
The grave couldn't shut him in
Boxes are broken
He is alive spoken
The way made open
To be free
curtain torn between God and me
Forming, moulding, rhythms set in motion.
The heartbeat of love,
a dance of joy and delight,
the creator creates
Words breathing from heart bringing to life.....
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