A Space Of Our Own
Our wonderful and majestic God dreamed of a place in which
we could enjoy His love and the love of one another. Yet no sooner was the plan
begun than the forces of evil ran amok, creating chaos out of the good things
that God had begun to create. So, He stretched out His mighty arm and in the
picture language so familiar to those first hearers, He pushed back the waters
into the heavens and under the earth – holding back the evil that sin had
permitted. And then, He swept the waters that were left aside to create dry
land – space for a paradise in which we could begin.
But that same sin that Satan had introduced contaminated
that place too as mankind chose allegiance to the Father of lies rather than
loving relationship with the Father of lights. In so doing, we exiled ourselves
from that wonderful place, moving outside of the protective canopy of God’s
safety and into the maelstrom of Satan’s fury. Nevertheless, God continued to
extend His hand and not only protected us from the worst ravages of demonic and
human choices, but instigated a plan to gain for us a new space.
The OT story is the metaphor of a nation journeying from
exile to a new homeland, the new space that God had created for them. A journey
signposted by faith and the Kingdom values embodied in the Ten Commandments, a
journey punctuated by God’s withholding of evil; even when the sin of the world
required God to remove Hs hand and allow the waters to deluge the earth, He
mitigated the effect by providing a way of salvation. Then, when the enemy had
entrapped the people in the wrong space, He frees them by holding back the
waters of the Red Sea before allowing them to pour down on those the enemy had
seduced. And finally, they crossed the Jordan, into the land of promise, into
the spacious place God had crafted, on dry land, as once again, the waters of
evil were held apart.
And we too are a people distant from the place of wholeness
and rest, the place of peace that God has crafted for us. Our sin and the sin
of others has led us into exile and removed us from the protective hand of God.
Blinded, we don’t even see the hand of the enemy, pulling the strings of our
will, pressing the buttons of our emotions, distorting the logic of our minds.
We fail to notice that we are subject to his plans, plans to destroy us, plans
to rob us of all that God had lovingly prepared, plans, ultimately to kill us
and everything we hold dear.
But our beautiful Saviour has come to journey with us, to
take us by the hand and lead us into green pastures, by waters that are
supernaturally calmed and without malice, to bring us to a new place of peace
and wholeness. And He demonstrates it in that small boat adrift on the
ferocious sea. He has promised by His presence, to be with them, He has given
them His word – that they are going to the other side of the lake and when the
enemy seeks to do what he always does – to kill, Jesus rebukes and as He has so
often, holds back the terror, resists the evil and pushes back the waters to
create safe passage. And in so doing, creates space for Legion to be freed of
demonic oppression, the woman to be freed of her illness and isolation and a
girl to be raised from the dead and restored to her grieving parents. That’s
what happens in the space God has created for us – life abounds, death has no
part, sickness and oppression have to flee.
And there is still the opportunity for us to experience that
place – not only in its glorious fulness when all things are restored, but
right now:
“So then, a sabbath rest still remains for the people of God”
Welcome His
presence, trust in His word, enjoy His loving kindness.
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