What God is Like

A friend posted a poem that spoke of what God is like and how that affects us and how we are. It inspired me to have a go - to describe as simply and concisely as possible, what I believe about God, about the world and how it impacts us.

A God of love created,
Creatures free to be loved and to love.
People to enjoy His goodness,
To be raised to the heights above.

A Triune God created,
In His image, He created us all.
Body, soul and spirit
At one, until that fall.

Lovingly He placed us
In a perfect world of joy,
With angels called to nurture,
To care and not destroy.

But one who God had trusted,
One who He called ‘light’,
For status, he lusted
And turned the day to night.

Now torn apart by choices,
Disfigured, disabled and blind.
The enemy silences voices,
Warps body, soul, and mind.

Yet still God declares it is worth it,
The risk, is worth the pain.
The joy of knowing you,
With a love that will never wane.

He thought of you with delight,
As He pondered who to make.
Before the stars ignited,
Your image burst on His sight.

Then He waited with infinite patience,
For the moment of your birth,
He shouted “yes!” to the angels,
As your life began on this earth.

And God protected your spirit,
Knit together in your mother’s womb
And breathed it alive in Jesus,
As He raised Him from that tomb.

Yes, a loving Father formed us
But another one crouched near,
Intent on killing everything
That the Father held so dear.

The world that we entered,
that seemed a place to play,
became a place of battle,
of anguish and dismay.

The plans God had for good,
now sabotaged by hate.
Our freely made choices
Making worse our state.

Our body slowly dying,
Our soul filled with fear,
Unconscious of our spirit,
Unaware that God is near.

So, God came to earth,
To understand our pain.
From an illegitimate birth,
To a life seemingly lived in vain

From the betrayal of friends,
To the misunderstanding of the crowd.
And the unjust accusations,
All these He allowed.

Then in those darkest hours,
experiencing all our loss,
He disarmed the evil powers,
as He hung on that Cross.

His love isn't passive,
His empathy isn't tame,
He restores our broken pieces,
And takes away our shame.

And still the Father loves you,
perfect or not,
Because His love goes deeper,
Than the superficial rot.

He doesn't plan bad things
to punish or make you good.
He battles to see you whole,
for which He shed His blood.

The trauma that you face
is not His desire,
But a wickedly conceived plan
from creation's oldest liar.

He pretends that God sent it
to distort our view of love,
to make it seem like evil
is sent from God above.

But God takes each lie,
each life-shattering pain
and redeems each one,
in Jesus' powerful name.

So, what's God's plan for you?
Is it detailed, like a script?
Is it already forfeit,
From the moment that you tripped?

Or is it more resilient,
able to stand a fall,
open to alteration
to enable us to keep our call?

A call to be loved,
A call to be whole.
A call to be renewed
in body, spirit and soul.

A call to love,
to battle with our Lord
to enjoy His peace, His joy, His strength,
to trust him at His word.

A call to love, a call to risk,
A call to rightly choose.
A call to hope, a call to fight
A battle we cannot lose.

And piece by piece,
to be restored, to live abundantly,
With Him and those who love him,
in love, eternally.


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