A Space Of Our Own
Our wonderful and majestic God dreamed of a place in which we could enjoy His love and the love of one another. Yet no sooner was the plan begun than the forces of evil ran amok, creating chaos out of the good things that God had begun to create. So, He stretched out His mighty arm and in the picture language so familiar to those first hearers, He pushed back the waters into the heavens and under the earth – holding back the evil that sin had permitted. And then, He swept the waters that were left aside to create dry land – space for a paradise in which we could begin. But that same sin that Satan had introduced contaminated that place too as mankind chose allegiance to the Father of lies rather than loving relationship with the Father of lights. In so doing, we exiled ourselves from that wonderful place, moving outside of the protective canopy of God’s safety and into the maelstrom of Satan’s fury. Nevertheless, God continued to extend His hand and not only protected us from the...