
Showing posts from September, 2017

What God is Like

A friend posted a poem that spoke of what God is like and how that affects us and how we are. It inspired me to have a go - to describe as simply and concisely as possible, what I believe about God, about the world and how it impacts us. A God of love created, Creatures free to be loved and to love. People to enjoy His goodness, To be raised to the heights above. A Triune God created, In His image, He created us all. Body, soul and spirit At one, until that fall. Lovingly He placed us In a perfect world of joy, With angels called to nurture, To care and not destroy. But one who God had trusted, One who He called ‘light’, For status, he lusted And turned the day to night. Now torn apart by choices, Disfigured, disabled and blind. The enemy silences voices, Warps body, soul, and mind. Yet still God declares it is worth it, The risk, is worth the pain. The joy of knowing you, With a love that will never wane. He thought o...

The Lamb

As Passover approached, everyone’s thoughts naturally turned back to that first Passover. A time when Israel had been oppressed and held captive by the then world power – Egypt. A time when a man had arisen who understood power and majesty and who had led the people out. A time when the ruler of that world had turned away from compassion and had hardened his heart until the enemy of our souls had him in his thrall. A time when that Pharaoh had sent the army to destroy God’s people. And a time when faith was demonstrated through the sacrifice of a lamb, which, in its innocence, took away the sin of the people. And they naturally projected that scene onto their present circumstances: Israel, oppressed by the current world power – the Roman Empire, but with the hope of one who wielded power, one who the people had rallied to in their tens of thousands. Easy for Peter and the others to cast the Romans into the role of the Egyptian enslavers with Herod, or Pilate, or even the Empe...